TITLE: InLight 2020: Safety and Accountability
ARTIST: Afrikana Independent Film Festival, Amy Smith, The Anderson, Barry O’Keefe, Black Matter Productions, Caitlin & Misha, Calvin Presents, Carl Patow, Christine Wyatt Amena Durant, Dustin Klein, Alex Criqui, Miguel Carter-Fisher & Josh Zarambo, The Kinfolk Effect, LaRissa Rogers, Mariana Parisca & Sandy Williams IV, New Negress Film Society, Performing Statistics, Stephanie J. Woods, and Victor Haskins & ImproviStory
LOCATION: Multiple sites in Richmond, VA, produced by 1708 Gallery
DATE:  11.12.2020 - 11.15.2020
*co-curated with Wesley Taylor and Emily Smith

Press Release:

1708 Gallery’s 13th annual InLight will take place November 12-15, 2020 at sites across Richmond and will address the paired themes of Safety and Accountability.

InLight is a public exhibition of contemporary light-based artworks—multimedia and interactive projects, video, projection, sculpture, installation, performance, community-based work, digital and virtual projects—and has historically taken place in a singular location each November. Past sites include Chimborazo Park, the streets, facades and alleyways of the downtown Arts District, and the sculpture garden and grounds of the VMFA.

In response to COVID-19, InLight’s multi-site platform will allow for socially distanced and virtual viewing. Further inspired by the ongoing community dialogues surrounding the unjust and inequitable treatment of Black lives and by Richmond’s coming together in support and aid during these crises, this year is focused on Safety and Accountability.

Artists will present light-based artworks that respond to and elaborate on themes of Safety and Accountability. Artworks will be located near Virginia Union’s campus, in Church Hill, through the Downtown Arts District, at the T. Tyler Potterfield Bridge, along the Richmond Slave Trail, in the Randolph neighborhood, and more. Additionally, a series of streaming and virtual projects will be featured online. Visitors will explore the artworks over 4 nights, navigating the sites via a digital platform; all artworks will be outside.

Co-curated with Wesley Taylor and Emily Smith.